Saturday, February 13, 2016

Visit with Bob and Maryanne

The January we spent in Venice, Florida was the wettest January on record. There were some nice days once and a while and then we'd get rain for a couple of days. By the end of January we were walking out of the RV into 3 inches of water to wade through to get to the car.  We ended up deciding to leave 2 days early and visiting with my high school friend Don Waltz and his wife Lois in Lecanto, Florida.

The two days we spent with them we had lovely weather and it was so good to have a chance to catch up with them. Nicky enjoyed spending time with Toby their Border Collie. 

Before leaving Venice we did have one more visit with Bob and Maryanne. We ferried over to a small island called Venice Island and then we went to downtown Venice and had scones with clotted cream.

This is us taking off for Venice Island
On our way to the beach from where the boat docked.
This beach is known for it's shark's teeth and shells.

Enjoying our scones in downtown Venice.

We are now in Lecanto visitng Don and Lois.

Lee and Don chowing down.

Nicky's friend Toby

This is Don and Lois's house in Lecanto. They live in a lovely 1 acre lot development.
We left Don and Lois's and took off for Mayo, Florida to the Suwannee River RV Resort. We were about 1/2 hour down the road when the engine light came on in the RV. We had just passed a Ford dealer about a mile back so we turned around and went to that dealer to have a diagnostic run on the engine.  It turns out the problem was an oxygen sensor. Lee then purchased the part and put it in right there is the parking lot.  We only lost about an hours time and were on our way again.

We will be here at the Suwannee River RV Resort for the month of February. We have been here 2 weeks and these are my thoughts.  There is very little to explore nearby. Here at the park the pool and hot tub are lovely.  The restrooms are very nice. They are very dog friendly which is important to us. The dog park is large and well kept. They have a dog washing station. The sites themselves are large and level and well kept. The grounds of the park of lovely to walk.  There are nice chairs and swings throughout the grounds. The game room and dining room are nicely done and they even let you bring your dogs into this area.  To shop at a major grocery store you have to travel into Branford which is about 15 miles away. There is about 7 miles of bike trail just outside the park.

The weather has been a little cool but if it wasn't so windy it would be OK. We cannot keep up our screened in room because of the winds. 
We actually are bored because there is not enough to do here. There are no pickle ball courts, shuffle board or anything like that to do.

There is a nice shop here where they make the furniture and things for the park. Lee would probably be very content if he was working over there.  Now in the summer there would be a lot to do with the river here.
There is also Convict Spring located here on the property which is a fresh water spring. It is lovely and they do allow the dogs to swim in it.

We did make a day trip to Cedar Key about 80 miles away. More about that later and we went to Peacock Springs just down the road. Now we are trying to figure out what we will do for the next 2 weeks.

Wood shop on the property and homing pigeons

The Suzanne River
Above is Convict Spring
Nicky having fun in the dog park.
There are 525,000 acres of pine in the county here.
The only things in this area are pines and dairy farms and ranches.

court house
Suwanee Court House

We will look at Cedar Key and Peacock Springs tomorrow.

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